Earn additional income providing your expert knowledge of a country, region, or area.

A “Trip” Ameego provides a trip planner with personalised recommendations and guidance for everything there is to see, do and book over the course of the whole trip journey.

Help users truly experience your destination by recommending places, services, and activities of particular interest to them.

Valmeego is free to join and use
Valmeego.com - Locally and beyond
Monetize Your Expertise/ Knowledge:
Transform your passion for travel into a lucrative side hustle by earning additional income for sharing your knowledge and recommendations. Earn additional income while doing what you love!
Professional Networking Opportunities:
Connect with fellow travel advisors, industry experts, and local businesses. Expand your professional network and opportunities for collaboration.
Establish Your Reputation:
Position yourself as a trusted expert and influencer within the travel community. Gain recognition and credibility for your knowledge and contributions.
Valmeego.com - Locally and beyond
Valmeego.com - Locally and beyond
Increase Your Reach:
Gain exposure to a global audience of travellers actively seeking personalized recommendations and guidance for their trips.
Be the first to know what’s on:
Stay ahead with Valmeego's social Feeds for all travel-related information, from local updates to hidden gems around the world.
Enrich the Visitor Experience:
Your insights and recommendations help travellers discover the richness and authenticity of your locality. Foster positive experiences while driving economic growth within your community.
Valmeego is free to join and use
Locally and Beyond
Valmeego.com - Locally and beyond
Earn Additional Income:

Turn your passion for your locality and travel into a lucrative side hustle. Earn additional income by using your existing knowledge and expertise to help others have a better and more enjoyable experience of your locality.

Sector Specific Platform:

Valmeego is designed to deliver curated content and services specifically related to the tourism, hospitality, entertainment, and travel sectors. Members can easily find inspiration, book directly with businesses and access local knowledge by engaging with a network of local Ameegos.

Global Community:

Engage with a global community of fellow Ameego’s and discover a world of new destinations. Share insider recommendations, discover hidden gems, and create authentic and memorable friendships with like-minded “locals” worldwide.

Personalized Recommendations:

Tailor your recommendations for every trip group whose invitation you have accepted. Ensure they receive personalized suggestions based on their preferences for an unforgettable journey.

Valmeego.com - Locally and beyond
Share your knowledge:

Share positive experiences of your favourite spots and hidden gems. Recommend activities, businesses, and off-the-beaten-track experiences to members you advise, other Ameegos and the wider Valmeego community.

Know what’s on Locally:

Connect with what's happening in your local area, from events and deals to activities and more. Stay informed of all that’s going on and available in your own locality, don’t miss out through not knowing!

Grow your reputation:

Valmeego is a community-driven ecosystem where every member benefits. The members you advise and help become your advocates within the community, amplifying your reach and personal reputation around the world.

Direct Booking Marketplace:

Our platform offers a direct booking solution, connecting travellers and locals directly with businesses and accommodations, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. Ameegos provide personalised options for consideration based on a member’s stated preferences.

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