Frequently Asked Questions
Need help? If your question is not answered below please contact us.


What is Valmeego?

Valmeego is a comprehensive platform designed to transform your experience of life whether you are at home or travelling.

Valmeego is specifically built for the consumer to find and directly book anything of interest to them in the entertainment, hospitality, travel, and tourism sector.

Here's why we're different

Direct Booking and communications:

Valmeego provides for direct communications and booking between members and businesses. This provides the best value for consumers and a better customer relationship for the businesses.

All-in-One Solution

With Valmeego, you can create, plan, book and manage your events, trips, and activities from start to finish, all in one place. No need to switch between apps or websites.

Hidden Gems

Discover those off-the-beaten-path destinations that aren't always in the tourist guides. Find hidden gems and experiences that you won't find anywhere else.

Social Interaction

We prioritize social interaction. Connect with other members, share insights, and get advice from real people who live in or have been to the places you're interested in.

Local Knowledge

Tap into the expertise of locals who are passionate about sharing their culture, history, and insights. It's like having a personal tour guide in your pocket.

Local Expertise

Our network of local advisors provides insider knowledge and recommendations that go beyond mainstream tourist attractions, allowing you to experience a destination like a local.

Easy Group Planning

Whether you're traveling with friends, family, or a club, our platform simplifies group planning. Coordinate itineraries, share recommendations, and keep everyone informed.


We believe that every traveller is unique. Our platform offers personalized trip planning, recommendations, and insights tailored to your preferences and interests.


Your travel memories matter. Valmeego offers a secure space to store all your travel plans, photos, and experiences, allowing you to relive your adventures whenever you want.

In essence, Valmeego goes beyond the standard technical platform by fostering genuine connections, providing local insights, and creating a community of like-minded, helpful “locals”.

Valmeego is a hub for building memories and sharing experiences with others who share your love of living.

Who can benefit from using Valmeego?

Anyone involved in the travel ecosystem, including locals, can benefit from using Valmeego.

  • Locals can connect with fellow community members, access valuable information about events, deals and activities and contribute to the overall growth of their local community.
  • Local advisors known as Ameegos can monetise their expertise and local knowledge.
  • Local businesses increase their visibility, direct bookings, and direct connections with existing and potential customers,
  • Travellers and visitors gain access to personalised recommendations, insider knowledge, trip planning tools, and travel inspiration, enhancing their overall experience.
  • Destination Promotors ….

What does the name Valmeego mean?

Valmeego derives its name from a combination of 'value' and 'Amigo'. At its essence Valmeego is striving to create an environment where people can connect and co-operate online for the benefit of visitors, destinations and the communities who live in those destinations. If value is created among people who could become friends, then Valmeego will have achieved the hope contained in its name.

What is an Ameego?

An Ameego is a person based in the destination with a deep knowledge of the destination and / or of a specific activity in the destination e.g. skiing, scuba diving etc. They have the ability to communicate in the local language of the destination and the language of the Trip Planner. Alternatively, they may have a middle language common to both parties e.g. English. They are able to provide relevant advice and recommendations on accommodation, things to see and do, places to eat, how to get about and all the little things that make a trip easy and memorable. There are 3 types of Ameego with different roles – Local Ameego / Trip Ameego / Specialist Ameego

Can I have a Personal and Ameego profile?

Yes. As a member of Valmeego you can create a maximum of 3 profiles - Personal, Business and Ameego. Many members will only ever have a personal account because they do not own a business or wish to be an Ameego. However, either or all of these additional profiles are available to any Valmeego member if they are applicable and they choose to add them.

Can I use Valmeego for my Small Tour Operator business?

Yes. Use Valmeego to manage each group you have on your tours. Create their trip in 3 simple steps and invite them to the trip. You can now communicate with the whole group and provide any itinerary items, reminders, documents, or other tour related information to everyone at the same time. Get paid and manage the tour payments through the trip wallet. Find out more [PDF]

Is the payment system secure?

Yes. We have integrated Stripe as our secure online payments processing system. There are some Stripe onboarding requirements to ensure security but these are simple and take 5 minutes to complete. Payments into and between all wallets on Valmeego take seconds and are simple and secure. Alternatively, you can pay for anything on Valmeego using your credit card secured through Stripe.

Is Valmeego an App?

Valmeego is a Progressive Web Application (PWA), combining the convenience of an App and the accessibility of a website. Unlike traditional Native Apps, Progressive Web Apps use minimal phone memory, storage, and battery life. Popular PWA’s like Uber, Pinterest and Spotify have demonstrated the benefits of this approach, making Valmeego an efficient and user-friendly choice for travellers and locals alike.

How to Add on Android:

  • Navigate to
  • Click the three-dot overflow menu in the top right corner.
  • Select “Add to Home Screen”

How to Add on iPhone:

  • Navigate to
  • Tap the “share” button on the bottom of the screen
  • Scroll down and select “Add to Home Screen”

How to Add on Windows:

  • Google Chrome - navigate to
  • On address bar click “star” icon on the right.
  • Click “Done” - Valmeego is now bookmarked.

Personal User

Is Valmeego Free?

Yes, Valmeego offers a free membership to Personal users. You can explore destinations, connect with fellow travellers, get recommendations, and plan your trips without any cost. We believe in making travel accessible and enjoyable for everyone. However, please keep in mind that there are small transactional charges associated with transferring money in or out of the platform. These charges help us maintain the secure and seamless financial transactions that contribute to a smooth experience for all our users.

Can I use Valmeego for my club & group trips?

Yes. Valmeego is the perfect organisational tool for Club / Group trip planners and participants. Valmeego provides a single place to plan, organise, book, and pay for all aspects of a trip. Research destinations using local expert advisors in your own language and with specific knowledge of your club or groups chosen activity. Collect money from everyone into the trip wallet, pay for booked services from the trip wallet, update itineraries, store booking confirmations, store trip photos and have ongoing contact among the group through the group chat. Find out more [PDF]

Can Valmeego be used for Solo Trips?

Yes. Plan a Solo trip with ease. Keep everything in one place for all your travels regardless of the purpose or destination of the trip. If you are travelling on your own and wish to know where and what is safe to do engage with a local Ameego and get the inside track. An Ameego also provides the reassurance that you have a person to contact in the destination who can help with any questions or issues you may have.

What does ‘Verified’ mean on an Ameego profile?

‘Verified’ means that an Ameego has provided information to Valmeego in order to become active on the system and available for selection. This information includes verified photographic government issued ID and proof of residence. An Ameego also signs up to ‘The 5 Pillars’ upon which they are rated.

What are the 5 Pillars?

  1. Provide impartial advice and recommendations most relevant to the requirements of each Trip
  2. Be respectful, mannerly, courteous, and engaging.
  3. Be honest, fair, and accurate in your recommendations.
  4. Be diligent and responsive when providing guidance and recommendations.
  5. Be diligent in keeping your depth of knowledge accurate and up to date.

Can I ask more than one Ameego to a trip?

We propose that it is best if you settle on a single Ameego per destination. This allows for a connection and understanding to build up between the Ameego and the Trip Planner. After reviewing the Ameego profiles you can ask an initial question of a select number of Ameego's and make a choice based on the quality of the response and answers. Ameego's are rated by previous Trip Planners and their profiles provide all the information you will need to make your initial choices - language, experience, specialist expertise etc.

Do I have to tip an Ameego?

No. Giving a gratuity to an Ameego is completely voluntary. We propose that the planning of the trip will build a connection between the Trip Planner and the Ameego. The Ameego will use all their knowledge and experience to provide the best local advice and recommendations possible to the Trip Planner. They may even provide the benefit of little local connections which a visitor would never find themselves. Ameegos will greatly enhance the experience and easy organising of the trip. If they have provided value to the trip then a fair attitude for their help may be to provide a gratuity. That choice is always the Trip Planners and their group.

Can I ask an Ameego questions outside of a created trip?

Yes. An Ameego can be selected or searched for on the Home page - Your Travel Feed. They can then be sent a message directly from their profile. This is particularly useful when looking for advice for day trips or excursions which do not require the creation of a trip.

Do I have to engage an Ameego when planning a trip?

No. Ameegos are a great resource but Trip Planners on Valmeego choose if and when to engage an Ameego. An Ameego can be asked to provide their expertise at any time or not at all. Many members may feel they do not need the help of local knowledge or perhaps they are returning to a destination familiar to them. In all situations the choice remains with the Trip Planner.

Can I still access the information in a trip when it is over?

Yes, as long as you maintain your Valmeego membership, which is FREE. All the information in the trips you create will be accessible whenever you choose to go back into that trip. Great for looking back over trips, places you've been and groups you travelled with.


Is Valmeego Free to join and work on?

Yes. Valmeego is FREE to join as an Ameego. Create your profile, complete onboarding with Stripe and agree to the 5 Pillars and you are ready to go as a 'Verified' Ameego. This process takes a total of 30 minutes to create a solid profile and place yourself in a position to earn additional income from your existing knowledge. Only 'Verified' Ameego profiles are put live on the system.

Can I be different types of Ameego?

Yes. You can choose to be any or all of the 3 types of Ameego – Local / Trip / Specialist. Obviously, you will have to have the capability to competently fulfil any Ameego role you self-identify as. We anticipate that helpful, knowledgeable non- commercial local members will gravitate towards the local Ameego role while more commercial, tourism industry professionals will gravitate towards the Trip and Specialist Ameego roles.

How do I earn revenue as an Ameego?

Different Ameegos have different roles and so different means of potential revenue.

  • A local Ameego is essentially a helpful individual who will answer a number of informal queries using their specific local knowledge. The member receiving their help can choose to give them a small tip if the advice was of benefit to them.
  • A Trip Ameego will be involved in a more detailed and prolonged interaction and they can choose to set a price for their input or leave it up to the Trip planner they are interacting with to provide a tip if they feel the advice provided was on benefit to them and their group.
  • A Specialist Ameego will be involved in providing specific answers to specific queries using their specialist knowledge. They will generally set a price for this.

In all cases the price set or the tip given is a matter between both parties, will be agreed beforehand and will be a fraction of the value being provided by the Ameego in time, knowledge, and expertise.

Can I, as an Ameego, connect with other Ameego's?

Yes. Connect with other Ameego's from all over the world. Enhance your own travel experiences and knowledge by connecting with like-minded individuals worldwide. Build your own network. Invite people you know are suitable as Ameegos to Valmeego. Enjoy the interaction of having friends all over the world.

Can I invite people I know to be an Ameego or Business on Valmeego?

Yes. If you know an individual with the knowledge and personality to be a solid Ameego you can invite them to join - we provide Sign Up links for all user types. If you know a good business and you want them to be available on Valmeego for you to recommend then you can invite them to join. We provide Sign Up links for each user type.

How do I get my earnings from Valmeego?

By being a 'Verified' Ameego you will have completed the Stripe onboarding process which means you can transfer money from the Valmeego wallet associated with your Ameego profile into your bank account.

Will I have my own dashboard on Valmeego?

Valmeego will provide you with your own dashboard to record information relevant to you as an Ameego in due course. Information like trips invited to, trips you worked as an Ameego, number of recommendations provided, number of bookings made, value of bookings and commission and many other information points will be provided as we further develop the system.

Can I, as an Ameego, also have my existing tourism business on Valmeego?

Yes. If you have a business which is relevant to the Valmeego user base you can create a business profile for it. So, for example, if you had your own small tour guiding business you can create a business profile for it on Valmeego. We will show a link between your Ameego and Business profile so there may be possibility for cross over business.


Can I take direct bookings on Valmeego?

Absolutely, you can take direct bookings on Valmeego! In fact, we provide a highly personalized way for you to engage with your potential customers. Not only can you promote direct bookings, but you also can showcase any special offers by posting exclusive deals and promotions that catch the eye of locals and travellers seeking unique experiences. We understand the importance of streamlining your processes, which is why we allow you to integrate a direct link to your own booking system on your business profile. This ensures a smooth and efficient booking experience for your customers and direct communications between both parties.

How do I get paid for direct bookings?

Direct bookings are processed through your businesses booking engine and payment system. Valmeego has no input to this beyond providing the opportunity to the business and consumer to find each other.

How do I get paid for Special Offers/ Deals offered on Valmeego?

Businesses receive payment for their Special offer/deals bookings that have transpired on Valmeego through Stripes streamlined process that ensures convenience and security. When travellers make bookings and complete their transactions on Valmeego, the payment is processed through Stripe. Valmeego’s integrated system calculates the appropriate fees and charges. Once the booking is successfully completed, the funds are transferred directly to the business's linked Stripe account. This ensures a quick and efficient payment process, allowing businesses to access their earnings. Stripe is a secure and trusted payment processing system that enables seamless transactions.

Is Valmeego Free for businesses?

Valmeego offers all new businesses a 3-month free Trial when they sign-up. This trial period allows businesses to experience Valmeego’s features and benefits firsthand without any upfront costs. This includes creating a business profile, listing products or services, engaging with potential customers, and understanding how Valmeego can benefit their business. After the free trial period, businesses have the option to continue their membership with a monthly subscription. This subscription comes with a small fee designed to be affordable and accessible for businesses of all sizes.

Can my business deal with the customers directly?

Yes. Businesses can communicate directly with customers. We are looking to drive repeat business and personal recommendations through the direct communication model facilitated through Valmeego.

Can my business market future deals or offers to previous customers?

Yes. Valmeego’s direct communication model allows you to have an ongoing promotional relationship with previous customers. Provide them with deals, special offers and other promotions directly to their Travel Feed. The opportunity now exists to turn all your customers into recommendation champions for your business - treat them right and they can directly recommend your business to their friends and circle of contacts. Valmeego is a great promotional tool to an already engaged audience.

Can my business promote deals to my own locality?

Yes. On Valmeego all users will receive deals, offers or special promotions into their travel feed from the local businesses. They can also specifically filter for those offers in any destination. Encouraging stronger business from locals is just as important as business from visitors. It can be a great tool for a business to extend their season well beyond the traditional timescales.

Can I invite other businesses to Valmeego?

Yes. If you know of other businesses in your local ecosystem that cater to the entertainment, hospitality, travel, and tourism sectors then send them an invite link with one click.

Can I have several businesses on Valmeego?

Yes, you can sign up multiple businesses on Valmeeg. Each business will need its own account and key contact details.

I signed up as a business, can I also have a Personal and Ameego account?

Yes. As a member of Valmeego you can create a maximum of 3 profiles - Personal, Business and Ameego. Many members will only ever have a personal account because they do not own a business or wish to be an Ameego. However, either or both of these additional profiles are available to any Valmeego member if they are applicable and they choose to add them.

Destination Promoter

Can my destination be contacted directly with visitor queries?

Yes. Any user can search for and find your organisations profile from their Home page. They can then send their query directly through chat. This chat channel remains open for ongoing direct contact to take place. So, a potential visitor can be supported during their planning phase, while in destination and when they return home. Actionable feedback is now much easier to obtain.

Is Valmeego free?

Valmeego offers all new destination promoters a 3-month free Trial when they sign-up. This trial period allows destination promoters to experience Valmeego’s features and benefits firsthand without any upfront costs. After the free trial period, destination promoters have the option to continue their membership with a monthly or annual subscription.

Can we invite businesses in our destination to Valmeego?

Yes, Destination promoters and local businesses are in partnership to bring economic benefit to their area. Valmeego encourages destinations to direct relevant businesses to Valmeego in order to promote what they offer and ensure the destination is more appealing to locals and visitors.

Can we invite potential Ameegos in our area to Valmeego?

Yes. Valmeego encourages destination promotors to invite suitable Ameego candidates to our growing ecosystem.

Can we connect with other Destination Promoters on Valmeego?

Yes. Valmeego is a global network of local travel ecosystems. Our platform will work best when local ecosystems in a region or country are interlinked. Visitors will come to an area if there is enough to see or do. That may require combining a number of local ecosystems into a stronger destination. Valmeego facilitates this.

Need more help? If your question is not answered here please contact us.
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